IQID:13612 HTTP Websockify 0.8.0 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability S

IQID: 13612 - July 2016

RedTeam Pentesting discovered a buffer overflow vulnerability in the C implementation of Websockify, which allows attackers to execute arbitrary code. The function ws_recv() is called in a loop to read data from the client's socket into the stack-allocated buffer 'handshake'. Each time ws_recv() is called, a maximum of 4096 bytes are read from the socket and stored in the handshake buffer. The variable 'offset' determines the position in the buffer at which the received data is written. In each iteration, the value of 'offset' is increased by the amount of bytes received. If the received data contains the string "\r\n\r\n", which marks the end of the WebSocket handshake data, the loop is terminated. Otherwise, the loop is terminated after a maximum of 10 iterations. The do_handshake() function returns early if no more data can be received from the socket. By forcing websockify to iterate multiple times, attackers can exploit this behaviour to write data past the space allocated for the handshake buffer, thereby corrupting adjacent memory.

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